1. 年に12ある月々に優劣はないが、11月のイメージはいささか不遇かもしれない。木枯らしが吹き、つめたい雨が野山をたたいて、冬枯れに向かう寂しさが身にしみる。なればこそ、だろう。陽光穏やかな日の幸福感はひとしおだ。〈玉の如(ごと)き小春日和を授かりし〉の名句が俳人松本たかしにある
In year 12 there is no superiority or inferiority in every month when it is, but perhaps November image rather unhappy. Cold wintry wind it seems you blow, the cool rain hitting the fields and mountains, the loneliness which faces to withering makes the body and tries. If it becomes, very, probably will be. The happy impression of sunshine calm day is one tide. well-known phrase haiku poet Matsumoto is an oak
2. そんな一日、甲州の大菩薩嶺を歩いた。雪を頂いたアルプスが遠くに光る。〈晩秋の峰は徳高き老翁のすがた。なんと気高い、なんと地味な姿で、その銀の高い額(ひたい)をかがやかしているのだろう〉。往年の名登山家、大島亮吉の短章が胸に浮かぶ
Such a first, you walked Kousiyuu's Daibosatsu ridge. Alps which receives the snow shines in the distance. . The name mountaineer of the past years, Oshima Akira good fortune chapter floats shortly in the chest
3. 南へ目をやると富士山が白い。銀に装う連山を従えるように、この峰の容姿と高さは他を寄せつけない。枯れた草に寝ころんで、いつまで眺めていても飽きることがない
When the eye is done to south, Mt. Fuji is white. In order to attend the mountain range which dresses up in the silver, the figure and height of this peak do not allow to come near other things. You sleep in the grass which withers and time are with, how long watching there are no times when you grow tired
4. かつて、勤労感謝の休みのころの富士山はにぎわった。冬山前の雪上訓練に山岳会がやってきて、山梨側の5合目にはテント村ができたものだ。新人は夜になるとテントを追い出されて夜を明かした。しごきではなく、露営の訓練である
At one time, Mt. Fuji of time of the day off of labor appreciation was crowded. In training on the snow before the mountain in winter mountain meeting doing, 5th of Yamanasi side in go it is something which can do tent village. The new member when it is night, being expelled from the tent, revealed the night. It is not ironing, is training the encampment
5. 5合目にある山小屋に聞くと、近年は雪が遅く、付近はまだ根雪になっていないそうだ。「富士山に秋はない」と冬の到来の早さを言ったのは、山頂測候所に勤務した作家の新田次郎だった。温暖化のせいか、最高峰でも季節は遅れ加減らしい
When you hear in the mountain hut which 5th is in go, recently the snow is slow, vicinity still has not become the continuous snow cover. “Fall it is not in Mt. Fuji”, that those where speed of arrival of the winter was said were Jiro Nitta of the writer who works in the mountaintop observatory. Season is late even with consequence or the highest peak of warming and allowance seems
6. 歳時記によれば、秋の山は「山粧(よそお)う」、冬の山は「山眠る」と言う。秋の装いを終えた山々が眠りにつく中、ひとり富士山だけが玲瓏(れいろう)と屹立(きつりつ)する。そんな「日本の冬」が間もなくやってくる。
According to Saitokiki, as for the mountain of the fall the “mountain adornment (another place) [u]”, as for the mountain of the winter “the mountain you sleep”, that you say. While the mountains which finish the dressing up in the fall are attached to sleep, just one person Mt. Fuji probably will need 玲 瓏 ([re],) with it soars, (to come, to hang). “Such a Japanese winter” comes promptly.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
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