1. 私鉄駅のエスカレーターに親子連れがいた。母の尻ポケットからのぞく異物を男児は見逃さなかった。「なんでチャンネル持ってきたの?」。お母さんは「もうやだ。なんでなの」と、リモコンを同伴した己を責めた。誰にでもある「うっかり」の多くは笑い話で済む
The parent and child accompanying was in the escalator of the private railway corporation station. The boy did not overlook the foreign material which is excluded from the rear end pocket of the mother. “The channel it had with something?”. The mother is “already and. That being with something”, oneself which accompanied remote control was blamed. Anyone, “absent-mindedly” many is sufficient funny story
2. だがそれは、不注意ではなく長い闘いの兆しかもしれない。冷蔵庫に何度も空の食器が入っている――。群馬県議会議員の大沢幸一さん(66)は6年前、妻正子さん(60)の異変を確信した。若年性アルツハイマー病だった
But as for that, it is not careless and long fighting it is and perhaps the symptom. Many degrees the tableware of the sky has entered in the refrigerator, - -. Koichi the Osawa of Gunma prefecture national assembly Assemblyman (66) 6 years ago, was convinced of the accident of wife Masako (60). It was the young characteristic Alzheimer's disease
3. 過日、横浜市であった認知症ケアのシンポジウムで、大沢さんにお会いした。生命倫理学会の公開行事だ。「共倒れにならないよう、妻には笑い薬を与えています」という壇上の発言が心に残った
The other day, with acknowledgment symptom CARE which is Yokohama city symposium, we met to Osawa. It is open event of life ethical academic society. Speech on the platform that “in order not to become failing together, you laugh in the wife and give the medicine” remained in heart
4. 寝る前、おどける夫に笑ってくれれば、妻も自分も安眠できる。反応で症状の進行もわかる。そして、怒らない、ダメと言わない、押しつけないの三原則を自らに課す。最愛の人の尊厳、誰が傷つけられようか
Before if sleeping, you laugh in the husband who jokes, by yourself can sleep quietly also the wife. Advance of condition it is recognized with the reaction. And, you do not get angry, you do not call useless, you do not push three principles personally assigning. Dignity of the person of most love, you will be able to damage someone?
5. 認知症は人格が崩れ、やがては抜け殻になると思われがちだ。しかし、シンポを企画した内科医の箕岡真子さんは語る。「抜け殻論を乗り越え、患者ではなく一人の生活者として接したい。以前とは違うけれど、その人は感じ、欲し、つながっていたいのです」
It is tend to be thought that personality deteriorates, passes through the acknowledgment symptom eventually and becomes the shell. But, Mako 箕 Oka of the physician who plans symposium talks. “Gets over it comes out and shell theory, is not the patient and we would like to touch as a alone living person. However it is different from the time before, it is that person connected to feel, desired, to like to be”
6. 人格は失われず、隠されていくと考えたい。情緒はむしろ研ぎ澄まされるとも聞いた。介護の技術に倫理や共感の視点を採り入れることで、本人と家族の「人生の質」を少しでも保てないか。高齢化が問う、重い宿題である。
We would like to think that personality is not lost, keeps being hidden. As for emotion on the other hand it is sharpened also you heard. By the fact that point of view of ethics and sympathy is adopted to technology of nursing, “quality of life” of this person and the family cannot be maintained even a little? It is the heavy assignment where aging questions.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
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