Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1. 名探偵シャーロック・ホームズと、相棒のワトスン博士が出会うくだりは、愛読者にはよく知られている。名高いコンビが誕生する場面で、ホームズが開口一番に言うのが「あなたはアフガニスタンに行ってこられたのでしょう?」である

 The [ri] which is the [ku] where Doctor Watson of name detective [shiyarotsuku] [homuzu] and the partner encounters is well known in the reader. With the scene where the noted combination is born, [homuzu] opening most saying “as for you probably is to go to Afghanistan?”So it is

2. ときは19世紀の終わり近く、ワトスンは英軍の軍医として従軍して戻ったばかりという設定だ。文明の十字路とも言われたアフガンは、古くから列強の軍靴に踏まれた歴史を持つ。そして今も、多くの血がこの地で流されている

The time end of the 19th century it is close, Watson just returned serving in the military is the setting which is said as a surgeon of the English troop. Also the right angle crossroads of civilization as for Afghan which was said, have the history which was stepped on for a long time in the troop shoes of the powers. And even now, many blood is let flow at this area

3. 政治も治安も悪化の一途をたどっているようだ。汚職がはびこり、麻薬栽培は広がり、10月の米軍の死者は過去最悪となった。出口の見えぬ泥沼は、いまや「オバマ政権の墓場」とさえ言われている

It seems that politics and public order trace the course of deterioration. Bribery prevailed, drug cultivation spread, the October US military deceased past became worst. The quagmire where the exit is not visible is said now even “the grave yard of [obama] administration”

4. 折も折、米国の基地で銃の乱射が起きた。兵士の心のケアを担う精神科軍医の犯行とわかり衝撃は大きい。近くアフガンに派遣される予定だったという。大統領は来日を延ばして追悼式典に出ることになった

The time the time, the firing at random of the gun occurred at the American base. The crime of psychiatry surgeon who bears CARE of heart of the soldier it is understood and impact is large. You say that it was the schedule which is dispatched soon in Afghan. The president extending visit to Japan, came to the point of appearing in the mourning ceremony

5. わが在米中の7年前を思い出す。アフガン帰りの兵3人が続けて妻を殺す事件が起きた。うち2人は自殺した。米社会をむしばむ「心の傷」の、氷山の一角だったろう。「自ら傷つくことなしに戦争などできない」。取材したある帰還兵の言葉がいまも耳に残る

7 years ago in our resident in United States are remembered. 3 soldiers of the Afghan return continuing, the incident which kills the wife occurred. The inside 2 people committed suicide. American society is spoiled, it probably is, the visible peak of an iceberg “of the scar of heart”. “Being hurt personally dying war and the like it is not possible,”. Word of a certain return soldier whom it collected materials remains even now in the ear

6. 小説ながらワトスン博士も、帰還したときは心身ともぼろぼろだった。変わらぬ戦争の実態だろう。快刀乱麻を断つ解決などアフガン問題には望みようもない。米国と世界と、何よりもアフガンの人々の抱える深い淵(ふち)を、いまさらながらに思う。

The novel Doctor Watson, when returning, also the mind and body was ragged. It probably is the actual condition of the war which does not change. Gazing/hoping you will see it is not in Afghan problem such as the solution which cuts off Gordian knot. The deep deep water where the United States and the world and, what compared to the Afghan people it holds (the edge), after so long a time, you think.

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