Monday, March 29, 2010


1. 災難に遭われたご家族には申し訳ないが、「そういえばギョーザがあった」というのが一報を聞いての思いである。真っ先に注文していたその前菜が、デザート杏仁(あんにん)豆腐の後で出てきた感じに近い

 You encounter to misfortune and there is no excuse in the wooden pail family, but “if so you said, there was a potsticker”, inquiring about the information, it is thinking. That hors d'oeuvre which it has ordered first, dessert apricot benevolence (is close to the feeling which it is) after the tofu appears in bean jam

2. 中国製冷凍ギョーザで日本の10人が中毒を起こした事件が、発覚から2年を過ぎて急転した。中国当局が 捕まえた製造元の元従業員は、会社の待遇に不満を募らせ、殺虫剤を注射器で入れたと伝えられる

The incident where 10 people of Japan cause poisoning with the Chinese make frozen potsticker, passing 2 years from detection, it changed suddenly. The production original original employee whom the Chinese authorities catch is conveyed, that in treatment of the company deepens the dissatisfaction, the insecticide was inserted with the injector

3. そんなことだろうとは思いつつ、中国側がしっかり調べず、 うやむやに終わるのではと案じてもいた。報奨金で情報提供を呼びかけたそうだ。日本にわだかまる中国産への不信、国内で高まる食への懸念を意識しての執念だろう

While being such a thing with to think, the Chinese side securely does not inspect, ends noncommittally because with you had worried. Information offer was called with the bonus. The infidelity to the Chinese product which reserves in Japan, being conscious of the anxiety to the food which increases in the country, it probably is deep attachment

4. 事件は個人のうっぷん晴らしで、日本を狙ったものではないという。あっさりした結末だが、一件落着の爽快(そうかい)には遠い。低賃金でこき使う体質が変わらない限り、労働者の怒りがいつどんな形で爆発するか分からない。安いというだけで、そういう企業や産地に食を託す危うさを思う

As for incident you say that the [u] [tsu] [pu] of the individual it is clear it seems with, it is not something which aimed for Japan. But the conclusion which is done simply, refreshment of one case settlement (so or) it is distant. Low it comes densely at wages and if the constitution which is used does not change, you do not understand anger of the worker when explodes in some way. Just say, such enterprise and that it is cheap, the peril which entrusts the food to the area of production are thought

5. 勝見洋一さん の『中国料理の迷宮』(朝日文庫)によると、数ある点心(軽食)の中でも、家庭の味といえばやはりギョーザらしい。祝い事があれば総出で作る。正月には洗った硬貨を入れて金運や健康を占うという

The labyrinth of victory seeing Yoichi's 'Chinese cooking' (the Asahi library) according to, if the point heart which is number (lightly the food), you mention taste of home even among them, after all the potsticker it seems. If there is a celebration, it makes with entire coming out. Inserting the coin which was washed in New Year's Day, you say that it forecasts gold luck and health

6. 縁起物に忍び込んだ悪意は海を渡り、他国の一家だんらんを暗転させた。地球上を食材が行き交う時代、せめて食 べる前に、五感を駆使して安全を確かめたい。すなわち動物的な習いに立ち返ること。悲しいかな「飽食の迷宮」で身を守るすべである。

The malice which creeps in luck ones crosses the sea, it is family of the foreign country, it is it became dark viewing. On the earth the times when the food comes and goes, before eating at least, freely using senses, we would like to verify safety. Namely return to animallike habit. It is the [be] which protects the body “the labyrinth of sad kana and with engorgement” does.

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