Saturday, March 13, 2010



Okinawa prefecture Ishikawa city (reality [ma] city which can), it was the town which is sent from the Okinawa postwar Japanese internment camp. Unless the man appears before a certain day accommodation person, “the person who remains is vigorous, the person who dies does not float. Life ([nuchi]) you will celebrate”, that the anecdote which starts dancing remains. 'Okinawa word ([uchinaguchi]) just a little good story' (Huziki Isao author, the Futaba corporation) with you knew

2. だが、命のリレーはままならず、彼らの子どもらを再び悲劇が襲う。市立宮森小に米戦闘機が落ち、児童11人を含む17人が死亡、200人超が負傷して50年になる

But, relay of life does not become way, tragedy attacks their children again. The municipal shrine forest American fighter plane falls small, 17 people who include child 11 die, 200 people super was injured and 50 years ago

3. 2年生だった校長の平良(たいら)嘉男さん(58)は節目の今年、遺品などを集めた巡回展を始めた。「生活に追われ基地に耐えることが日常になっていないかと、県民に問いたい」と語る

Hirara of the principal who 2nd is grade (you want, and others) 嘉 man (58) this year of turning point, the round spreading/displaying which gathered the personal effects and the like was begun. “It is chased in life and whether it has not become every day to withstand the base, when, we would like to question to the prefectural people”, you say

4. 戦争で踏みにじられた後も、この島は異国の戦に酷使されてきた。いや、基地は日本の平和のためだという反論があろう。しかし、度重なる墜落事故や性犯罪で流された血涙は、同盟のコストといった乾いた言葉ではくくれない

After being trampled in the war, this island was used hard in foreign game. Well, as for the base there probably is the refutation that it is because of Japanese peace. But, it cannot bind with the word which as for the fall accident which occurs repeatedly and the blood tear which is let flow with characteristic crime, you called cost of alliance and dries

5. 普天間飛行場の問題も積年の我慢と怒りの先にある。県外移設を訴えて政権を取った鳩山首相に、地元の期待が膨らむのは当然だ。平良さんも、県内移設に反対する大会に出た。「県外だ国外だ、と言うのはつらいのです。この苦しみを誰かに強いることになる」

Patience and anger of product year first there is also a problem of the Futenma airport. Appealing the transfer of facilities outside the prefecture, in Prime Minister Hatoyama which takes administration, it is proper for expectation of local end to expand. Also Hirara, appeared in the conference which opposes to the transfer of facilities inside the prefecture. “It is overseas is outside the prefecture, it is balance. It means to force this suffering to someone”

6. ベルリンの壁が崩れて20年というのに、極東では冷戦が尾を引き、沖縄の「役割」もなかなか終わらない。とはいえ、外国の基地がいくつもあるのは、主権国家として異常な姿であろう。日米ともせっかくの新政権である。この際、お互い腰を据えて同盟の明日を考えたい。

The Berlin wall deteriorating, although 20 years you say, in the Far East cold war pulls the tail, does not end either Okinawa “role” easily. With say, as for those where the base of the foreign country is many, it probably is the abnormal form as a sovereign nation. Also Japan and America are with special care new administration. In this case, placing the mutual waist, we would like to think of the tomorrow of alliance.

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