Tuesday, March 2, 2010

1. 東京・新宿駅の近くに、専門学校と並んで女子大がそびえている。その足元で商う不動産屋さんの張り紙が目にとまった。〈寮からの脱出〉とある。学生寮からアパートに移りましょうという宣伝らしい

To the vicinity of Tokyo & Shinjuku station, the woman large has risen along with the professional school. The poster of the real estate agent which is sold with the foot stopped in the eye. with it is. The advertisement that it seems it will move to the apartment from the student dormitory,

2. 学校や職場の寮は経済的だし、管理の目もあるから親元は何かと安心だ。半面、息苦しさを感じる人もいよう。気ままな一人暮らしにあこがれて都会に出た若者であれば、張り紙の通り、寮は抜け出すべき所かもしれない

Economic to produce the dormitory of the school and the workplace, because there is also an eye of management, that something parental roof is relief. One side, it is stifling, the person who feels it will be. Yearning to self-indulgent one person living, if it is the young person who appears in the city, sort of the poster, the place where it should sneak away perhaps the dormitory

3. 多くの人は生涯に何度か引っ越しを経験する。間借りや寮が「住宅すごろく」の振り出しなら、社宅や賃貸マンションなどを経て、上がりは庭付きのマイホームというのが世間相場だろうか。ところが、究極のゴールと思われる高級住宅地の豪邸に、まだ先があった

Many people several degrees experience moving in life. If rent and the dormitory “around do the residence starting point of the [ku]”, passing the employee's house and the letting etc, is rising the private house of the garden attachment probably world quotation? In the mansion of the high-class residential quarter which however, is thought as ultimate goal, still it was ahead

4. 鳩山首相が先日、田園調布の自宅から永田町の公邸に越した。「私どもには大きすぎる」と戸惑いながらも、職住接近によって国会論戦や日本のかじ取りに専念するという

Prime Minister Hatoyama some days ago, from the rural Chofu home crossed over to the Nagatacho official residence. “Though me it is too large”, that although being confused, you say that it devotes to the National Diet dispute and the Japanese leader, with job residence approach

5. 由緒ある洋館で生まれ育った鳩山さんだ。サイコロを振る前から上がっていたようなものだが、今度はお金で買えない住所への転居である。政治を志した一人として、また国民から変革を託された者として、気を引き締め直す機会にしてほしい。よりよい明日を目ざす国政のすごろくに、上がりはない

It is Hatoyama which grows at the Western style building which is pedigree. Before shaking the die, but kind of those which have risen from, this time, it is moving to the address which cannot be bought with the money. We want making the opportunity which does again to tighten the air as the person who in addition entrusts reform from the citizen as one person who intends politics. There is no enormously well, rising of the national government which aims toward a better tomorrow

6. 週明けの列島は寒気の南下で冷え込むと聞く。寒という字を見ると、「年越し派遣村」のテントへと続く行列を思い出す。振り出しどころかサイコロさえ握れない路上生活者にとって、しんどい季節の始まりである。

As for the archipelago of the week opening you hear that it is cold with going south of chill. Coldly when you look at the letter which is said, the queue which continues to the tent of “over-year-end dispatch village” is remembered. Instead of starting point even the die it is start of be tired season for the road surface living person who cannot be grasped.

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