Tuesday, March 16, 2010


1. へえ、「井戸の茶碗(ちゃわん)」みたいな話が本当にあるんだ――と落語好きの人は思ったのではないか。ある若侍(わかざむらい)が古びた仏像を二束三文で買い、磨いていたら中から50両の小判が出てきた。これが落語の筋立てである

 To you obtain, “the bowl of the well (the [chi] [ya] cup)” there is a like story truly it is, that - - isn't the person of comic story lover to think? When a certain young samurai ([wa] or [za] unevenness to be) you bought the statue of Buddha which becomes old in two bundle three sentences and had polished 50 gold coins came out of in. This is the plot of comic story

2. 実話は奈良県であった。この9月、中学校のバザーで靴収納用品が2箱、それぞれ10円で売りに出た。別々の人が買って帰ると箱の中から200万円ずつ、計400万円が出てきた。たまげた2人は警察に拾得物として届けたそうだ

True story was Nara prefecture. This September, in the bazaar junior high school the shoes receipt supplies 2 boxes, appeared in the sale respectively for 10 Yen. The separate person buying, when it returns, 2,000,000 Yen at a time 4,000,000 Yen total appeared from midst of the box. 2 cartridge blacks delivered to the police as the picking up weapon

3. 謎めいた話は、このほど持ち主が現れて落着となった。小紙の奈良版によれば、63歳の女性がへそくりとして隠し、うっかり忘れたままバザーに出したという。「よく届けてくれました」と女性。名高いネタも現代の実話には一本取られた格好だ

The story which the puzzle [me] is, the owner appearing recently, became settlement. According to the Nara edition of the small paper, you say that to the woman of 63 years old it hid as the [so] chestnut, while you forgot absent-mindedly it put out to the bazaar. “You delivered well”, that the woman. Also noted news item one is the appearance which is taken in true story of today

4. 遺失と拾得をめぐる話には往々にドラマがある。なくした時は悲運を呪ったが、届けてくれた人の情にふれて、逆に幸せな気分をもらった。そんな美談もあれば、泣く泣くあきらめた無念も聞く。善意と不実の交差する人の世の縮図だろう

Sometimes there is a drama in the story which is related to loss and picking up profit. When losing, misfortune was cursed, but happy feeling was received conversely concerning the feeling of the person who is delivered. If there are also such beauty talks, it cries, you hear the regret which cries and abandons. It probably is the reduced drawing of world of good intention and the faithless person who is crossed

5. 2年前には茨城県で、1千万円の当たり宝くじを置き忘れた人がいた。報道されると19人が名乗り出た。警察が吟味して持ち主を確定したが、人の世は基本的には、せち辛いものらしい

In Ibaraki prefecture, the person who leaves the lottery per 10,000,000 Yen was 2 years ago. When it is reported, 19 people were identified and came out. The police closely examining, the owner was decided, but world of the person seems basically, the [se] [chi] harsh ones

6. ちなみに「井戸の茶碗」では、若侍と、仏像の前の持ち主が「自分の金ではない」と美(うる)わしく譲り合う。ものの本によれば、世相を映してか、こうした癒やし系の正直話が昨今の寄席では好まれるそうだ。名演を一席聞きたくなる心地がする、今年の冬の初めである。

By the way, in “the bowl of the well”, young the samurai and the owner before the statue of Buddha “it is not his own gold”, that beauty (it can) my [ku] you compromise. According to the book of the thing, projecting social conditions, honest story of such 癒 palm type is liked in the variety show of these days. Name performing the feeling which a meeting stops wanting to hear does, it is the beginning in the winter of this year.

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