Saturday, March 6, 2010


1. 深いものになると、アリの巣は地下4メートルに達するそうだ。人間に置き換えれば、1キロ以上を道具なしで掘り進んだことになる。穴に沿って食料庫やゴミ捨て場、子育て部屋などが連なるというから、堂々の地中基地である

When it becomes deep ones, the nest of the ant reaches to underground 4 meters. If it replaces to the human, 1 kilometers or more without the instrument you dig and you mean to advance. Because you say, that the food warehouse and the dump and the parenting room etc are connected alongside the hole it is boldly the subterranean base

2. 外敵を防ぐには、奥は深く、入り口は小さくというのが基地の勘所となる。アリの巣穴を突き止める早道は、鳥の目ではなく、虫の目になって行列の後を追うことだ

2. To prevent the outside enemy, the inner part is deep, the entrance small becomes crux of the base. The shortcut which pinpoints the nest hole of the ant is not the eye of the bird, it is to become the eye of the insect and to chase after the queue

3. それを思うと、よくぞ見つけたものである。月探査機「かぐや」が撮影した月面の画像を詳しく調べたところ、直径60~70メートルの不思議な穴が確認された。かぐやは上空100キロあたりを周回していたから、カラスがアリの巣を探し当てたに等しい

3. When you think that, well it is something which is found. When you inspected the picture of the lunar surface which “the [gu] and photographed in detail the lunar probe whether”, the strange hole of diameter 60~70 meter was verified. Because the [gu] and the circumference had done the sky 100 kilo- areas, the crow discovered the nest of the ant is equal

4. 穴は普通のクレーターより壁が切り立ち、差し込む光の分析から、深さは約90メートル、底には広大な横穴が延びるとみられる。横穴は太古の火山活動が残したトンネルで、かぐやが見つけた穴はその天井の一部が崩れ落ちたものらしい

4. As for the hole the wall sheers from the normal crater, from analysis of the light which inserts, depth is seen that approximately 90 meters, the immense cave extends to the bottom. As for the cave with the tunnel which ancient volcanic activity leaves, as for the hole which the [gu] and finds portion of that ceiling deteriorates and those which fall seems

5. 地下の横穴はいずれ、アリの巣のような有人基地に使えるかもしれない。大気のない月面は宇宙放射線や隕石(いんせき)の危険にさらされ、昼と夜の温度差も大きい。何億年もの試練に耐えた空洞は格好の天然シェルターとなる

5. Perhaps the cave the underground in each case, you can use in the manned base like the nest of the ant. As for the lunar surface which does not have the atmosphere space radiation and the meteorite (it is to be the weir) dangerously to be exposed, also temperature difference of the noon and the night is large. The cavity which withstands no hundred million year thing ordeal becomes the natural shelter of the appearance

6. 1年半にわたって鳥の目で月面をとらえ続けたかぐや。その「目の記憶」をたどり、より深い探査へ夢が膨らむ。やがて人が移り住み、虫の目で月を歩き回る日が来よう。その穴が長期滞在の扉となるのなら、月面に消えた探査機も本望に違いない。穴の奥、アリのように働くのでは夢がないけれど。

6. It continued to catch the lunar surface with the eye of the bird over 1 year half the [gu] and. “Memory of that eye” is traced, dream expands to a deeper inquiry. Eventually, the person will move and will live, will walk month with the eye of the insect and the day when it turns will come. That hole becomes the door of long-term stay, if is, the probe which goes out in the lunar surface difference it is not in satisfaction. Like the inner part and the ant of the hole because it works, however there is no dream.

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