Sunday, February 21, 2010


1. ど演歌「浪花(なにわ)恋しぐれ」などで知られる作曲家岡千秋さんがかつて、アエラで語っていた。「僕くらい頭の悪い人間はいない。本当の話、人が100人もいない瀬戸内の小島で、通知表は1ばかりですよ。でも例外があって、音楽と体育だけは5でした」

[do] ballad with “the 浪 flower (no [wa]) you loved and composer Oka Chiaki the [gu] [re]” and so on are known at one time, you talked with [aera]. “As for the human where my extent head is bad it is not. True story, the person with Setouchi Kojima who less than 100 is, the report card just 1. So there being an exception, just music and physical education were 5”

2. 秋。国語は嫌いでも歌がうまい、算数は苦手だが足が速いといった子の出番である。年に一度の文化祭や運動会を待ちわび、輝く自分を思い描く才能も多かろう。そんな「学校行事の季節」を、新型インフルエンザが襲った

Fall. As for national language disliking, song is good, but weak point arithmetic it is turn of the child that the foot is fast. It will wait for the cultural festival and game of one time in year and the [wa] [bi], the talent which imagine by your shines it probably will be many. The new model influenza attacked “the season of such a school event”,

3. 全国の小中学校、高校の流行状況を本紙が調べたところ、休校が108、学年・学級閉鎖が1606校あった。9月初めに比べ、それぞれ3倍、4倍の急増である。この時期の全校行事は感染を広げかねない

The Konaka school of entire country, at the point where this paper inspected the popularity circumstance of high school, school closure was 108, grade grade closing 1606 schools. In comparison with the beginning of September, respectively it is rapid increase of 3 times and 4 times. The whole school event of this time is not unable to expand infection

4. 実際、体育祭の後で500人に感染の疑いが生じた中高一貫校や、文化祭を打ち切って休校した高校がある。先生方もつらい。練習の成果を披露し、元気を発散する場を奪う形になるから、〈予防のためなら生徒も泣かす〉とはいきにくい。されど、強行して感染が広がれば責められる

Actually, while after the sports festival doubt of infection occurs in 500 people, discontinuing the high consistent school and cultural festival, there is a high school which closes. The teachers the leprosy which it has. To announce the result of practice, because it becomes the shape which takes the place where vigor is emitted, with. But, forcing, if infection spreads, it is blamed

5. 滋賀県で7歳の坊やが亡くなり、感染が疑われる国内の死者は18人になった。ワクチン接種が間もなく始まるが、当面は医師や看護師、妊婦、重病を抱えた人が優先される。せいぜい手洗い、うがいで用心を怠るまい

The boy of 7 years old died in Shiga prefecture, the domestic deceased where infection is doubted became 18. Vaccination starts promptly, but for the time being the doctor and the nursing teacher and the pregnant woman, heavily the person who holds the illness takes precedence. At the very most toilet, will not neglect carefulness with gargling

6. きょうは秋分。平年より早く初霜や初氷の便りが届いている。様子をうかがってきた新型ウイルスが攻勢に出る頃合いだろう。名曲のように、〈それがどうした〉と開き直れないのが悔しい。

Today the autumnal equinox. To be quicker than the common year the letter of the first frost and the first ice has reached. It probably is the moderate time where the new model virus which infers circumstances appears in offensive posture. Like the famous musical work, it is vexatious with to open not to can be repaired.

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