1. 5千円札が出たのは1957(昭和32)年である。翌年には1万円札が続き、聖徳太子は高度成長の顔となった。大都市には労働者が密集し、家電が普及し始める。そんな時代を、未曽有の災害が襲った Those where 5000 Yen bill comes out 1957 (1957) are year. 10,000 Yen bill continued to next year, Crown Prince Masanori became the face of high growth. The worker crowds in the big city, the home appliance starts spreading. Disaster of the not yet 曽 possession attacked such age,
2. 59年の9月26日は、今年と同じ土曜だった。名古屋地方気象台は、怪物のような台風15号に忙殺されていた。接近時の中心気圧は900ヘクトパスカルを下回り、夕刻、さほど衰えないまま紀伊半島に上陸する September 26th of 59 was this year same Saturday. The Nagoya local weather station was killed in the typhoon 15 like the monster 忙. Central pressure when approaching is less than 900 hecto- Pascal, evening, without becoming weak particularly lands to the Kii peninsula
3. 停電で情報が途絶える中、南からの暴風に乗って5メートルもの高潮が襲った。港の貯木場から流れ出た巨木が家々をつぶし、死者・不明者は名古屋市の低地を中心に5098人。伊勢湾台風の名がついたのは4日後である While information stops with power failure, riding in the storm from south, 5 meter thing high tide attacked. The large wood which flows out from the storage boom of the port to crush house 々, as for deceased unclear person focusing on the depression of Nagoya city 5098 people. The fact that name of the Ise bay typhoon is attached is 4 days later
4. 阪神大震災まで、これが戦後最悪の天変地異だった。濁流にのまれ、闇に引き裂かれた家族は数知れず、多くの悲話が残る。一つを、翌年に出た『伊勢湾台風物語』(寺沢鎮著)で知った To the Kobe Earthquake, this after the war was the worst convulsion of nature. It pulls to rare and the darkness in the muddy stream and the being countless the family which tears, many sad stories remain. One was known, 'the Ise which appears in next year bay typhoon story' (the Terazawa 鎮 work) with
5. あ る家で5歳ほどの男の子の亡きがらが見つかった。傍らに水筒とリュック、財布には1枚の5千円札が入っていたという。親は「この子だけは」と手を尽くし、 水にさらわれたらしい。初任給が1万円前後の頃である。こうして、中京地区の物づくりを支えるはずだった幾多の命が失われた The dying/fleeing coming of the boy about of 5 years old and others was found at a certain house. You say that 1 5000 Yen bill had entered into the flask and the rucksack and the wallet in side. As for the parent “just this child” exhausted the hand, it was carried off in the water, it seems. The time where initial wage is approximately 10,000 Yen is. In this way, the numerous life which is the expectation which supports the thing making of Nakagyo area was lost
6. 気象台は台風の進路を読み切り、早めに警報を出していた。行政が避難を徹底させれば死者は250人に抑えられた、との分析もある。わが身は己で守るだけと、以後、電池式の携帯ラジオが普及した。「自助」が命を救うという防災の教訓は、半世紀を経ても色あせない。 The weather station finished to read the course of the typhoon, ahead of time warning put out. If administration made evacuation be thorough, the deceased was held down to 250, there is also analysis that. Just protects our body with, from now on, the portable radio of electric battery type spread with oneself. As for teaching of the prevention of disasters that, “self-help” rescues life, passing half a century, it does not fade.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
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