1 ネクタイをとりどりお持ちの向きも、そのすべてを使う人は少ないのではないか。わが箪笥(たんす)を開けると13本あるが、たまにでも結ぶのは7本しかない。あとはいわばお蔵入りである
The direction which diverse you have the necktie, isn't the person who uses the everything of that to be little? When our cabinet (the cabinet) you open, 13 it is, but only 7 there are times when even sometimes you tie. After, in a manner of speaking it is net profit
2. それらの購入費は無駄遣いだったことになるが、違う考え方もできる。13本買ったから使えるものが7本ある、という解釈だ。いくら吟味しても、気に入るものだけを百発百中で買うのは難しい。ならば6本分のお金は、無駄ではなく「無用の用」だったと言えなくもない
Those purchase expenses mean to be squander, but also method of thinking of being different is possible. Because 13 you bought, it is the interpretation that 7 there are some which can be used. However much closely examining, it is difficult hundred shots to buy just those which it likes in hundreds. If was, there is no either not saying that as for the money of 6 responsibilities, it was not wasteful and “needless business” was
3. 中国古典の「荘子」に次のくだりがある。人が足で踏む地面はわずかだが、だからといってそれ以外を削ってしまえば、もはや地面としての用をなさない、と。こうなると「無駄」もなかなか奥が深い。鳩山政権が吟味にてこずるのは、当然ともいえる
There is a [ri] which is the following [ku] in “the 荘 child” of the Chinese classic. But as for the land which the person steps on with the foot the little, therefore with saying, if it shaves other than that, it does not form business as a land already, that. When this happens, “wastefulness” the inner part is very deep. Hatoyama administration at close examination even the proper can call, densely slyly
4. 民主党は、目玉公約の主な財源は無駄を見直して捻出(ねんしゅつ)すると訴えてきた。手始めに補正予算から3兆円を浮かせるという。だが、出費を削れば景気が再び底に落ちる心配もある。右に二番底、左に公約違反の奈落を覗(のぞ)きながらの、難しい細道が続く
Don't you think? as for the Democratic party, as for the main revenue source of eyeball pledge taking a second look wastefulness, device (it appealed that it is the palpus) it does. You say that to begin with 3,000,000,000,000 Yen is raised from supplementary budget. But, if expense is shaved, there is also the worry where business falls again to the bottom. While on the right the second bottom, the basement of pledge violation 覗 (is on the left) coming, the difficult lane continues
5. 人は見かけによらぬというが、予算も同じかも知れない。実は理のある出費が穀潰(ごくつぶ)しに映ったり、反対に本当の無駄が、すまして化粧していることもあろう。見誤れば、ついてくるのは失政という結果である
Perhaps the person says that it does not depend on the appearance, but budget the same. To tell the truth the expense which has reason dies and appears the grain 潰 (the shoes [bu]), there probably are also times which true wastefulness does has put on make-up, in the opposite direction and increasing. If seeing you mistake, the fact that it is attached is the result, losing government
6. 〈ハンドルの遊び無駄だと締め付ける〉と朝日川柳にあった。政権を見る目ももう「あばたもえくぼ」は卒業だろう。「あの失政も無駄ではなかった」と後で他山の石にされる余裕は、政権にも、むろん国民にもない。
When with it was in Asahi Senryu. The eye which looks at administration it probably will rub, “the pockmark the dimple” probably is graduation. “Either at that losing government was not wasteful”, that as for the room which afterwards makes the stone of the other mountain, administration or of course are not the citizen.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
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