1 ここ10年、朝日歌壇で介護が多く詠まれるようになった。妻の面倒を見る歌がたまに載る。
Here 10 years, it reached the point where nursing is mainly composed with the Asahi song platform. Sometimes the song which looks at the trouble of the wife is recorded.
2 「男性介護者と支援者の全国ネットワーク」代表荒川不二夫さん(82)が語っていた。8年の介護の末に妻を送り、今は息子の世話をする人である。「男性は家事に不慣れだし、弱音も吐きづらい。介護疲れ、孤立感、経済的な苦しさは虐待や心中にもつながります」
“Nationwide network typical Arakawa Fujio of the man nursing person and the support person” (82) talked. The wife is sent to end of the nursing 8 years, now it is the person who takes care the son. “The man produces, inexperience to the housekeeping spits also complaints the [zu] leprosy. The nursing tired and isolation impression, economic agony is connected to also abuse and double suicide”
3 寝たきりの妻(60)の首を包丁で刺し、10日間のけがをさせた被告(63)に、山口地裁で執行猶予つきの判決が言い渡された。懲役4年の求刑に対し、判決は「介護疲れ」を理由に実刑を退け、保護観察を添えた
The bedridden wife (60) the neck was stuck with the kitchen knife, the defendant who could point to the wound 10 days (63), decision of the stay of execution being attached was sentenced at the Yamaguchi district court. Vis-a-vis the statement of the procecutor's opinion on the punishment of penal servitude 4 year, as for decision “nursing you became tired and” you could retreat jail sentence to the reason, attached protection observation
4 結婚2年で脳出血に倒れた妻を、被告は13年間、一人で介護してきた。死にきれずに自首したという。法廷では「僕が好いた人。今でも妻が好きです」と声を詰まらせ、施設に移された妻も厳罰を望まなかった
The defendant 13 years, nursed the wife who at marriage 2 year collapses in the apoplexy, alone. Dying without being cut off, you surrendered, that you say. At the court “I am good, it is the person. Even now we like the wife”, that plugs the voice, either the wife who was moved to the facility did not desire severe punishment
5 裁判長は「裁判員の意見」を読み上げた。「生きがいを見つけ、肩の力を抜いて生きて下さい。周りと協力して見守り、二度と悲しませないように」。介護がひとごとでない裁判員もいた。事件当事者の身になる「素人裁き」の温(ぬく)もりが、優しい判決に残る
The President of the Court called off “the opinion of the judgment member”. “To find reason to live, pulling out the power of the shoulder, please live. Cooperating with around, way it watches over, two degrees does not make grieve”. The judgment member where nursing is not every one it was. It becomes the body of the incident party, “the amateur you judge” and warm (pulls out) the [ri], remains in kind decision
6 元気だった妻との2年に劣らず、続く13年も今では宝物だろう。苦楽を共にしたその人は、ひとつ屋根でなくても同じ秋空の下、幸いにも呼吸を続けている。朝日俳壇からも引く。〈妻逝きて介護なき日の残暑かな〉渡辺憲司
Also 13 years which continue in 2 of wife who is vigorous not to be inferior, now probably are the treasure. That person who does joy and sorrow together, the [te] same fall under the sky, continues breath even fortunately not to be one roof. It pulls even from the Asahi artist/haiku platform.
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