Saturday, January 16, 2010

20090831-天声人語 2009年8月31日(月)付
天声人語 2009年8月31日(月)付
 国会(こっかい)は歴史的(れきしてき)な掃除(そうじ)のただ中(なか)にある。いや議事堂(ぎじどう)のことだ。建設(けんせつ)から73年(ねん)、高圧水流(こうあつすいりゅう)による初(しょ)の汚(よご)れ落(お)としで、黒(くろ)ずんだ御影石(みかげいし)に桜色(さくらいろ)が戻(もど)ってきた。議席(ぎせき)の 布地(ぬのじ)も張(は)り替(か)わるが、まずはお尻(しり)の方(ほう)がごっそり入(い)れ替(か)わった
As for the National Diet it is simply in the midst of historical cleaning. Well it is the Diet building. From construction 73 years, with the first soiling dropping by the high pressure water flow, light red returned to the granite which blackens. Hari it substitutes also the cloth of parliamentary seat, but the rear end inserted first and entirely substituted
▼(さんかく)負(ま)けに不思議(ふしぎ)の負(ま)けなし。自民党(じみんとう)は傍目(はため)(はため)にも耐用年数(たいようねんすう)が尽(つ)き、最後(さいご)は民意(みんい)のあずかり 知(し)らぬ面々(めんめん)が1年交代(ねんこうたい)で首相(しゅしょう)の座(ざ)をとことん軽(かる)くした。政治(せいじ)の非力(ひりき)に一部(いちぶ)の官僚(かんりょう)がつけこみ、血税(けつぜい)や年金(ねんきん)が消(き)えていく。やりきれない閉塞(へいそく)(へいそく)を、投票箱(とうひょうばこ)に注(そそ)がれた高圧水(こうあつみず)が襲(おそ)った
Wonder it is not defeated to being defeated. As for the Liberal Democratic Party the bystander (for the sake of) durable years service life ran out, end the taking part of public opinion every one which is not known lightened the seat of the prime minister the finish with 1 year alternation. Of politics the bureaucracy of portion keeps going out the attaching included, blood tax and annuity powerlessly. Intolerable blockade (the fence [so] [ku]), the high pressure water which was poured to the ballot box attacked
But, the [u] [tsu] [pu] it is clear and others doing, when rejoicing, is not. As for the stagnation of product year black 々 there is still there, the time limit when Japan is revived in light red is limited. To do and others, if the straw raincoat the sheath and new conception do not live in living and diplomacy, there is no meaning of replacing
“After the war maximum” there was a political change which is commented even 55 years ago. As for Ichiro's Hatoyama prime minister popular popularity, Shigeru's front duty Yoshida acquaintance abnormal play it is reaction. The senior of the small column, roughly fence Hideo welcomed “with respect to feeling somewhat society became bright”, that. “The shade” of front administration it divides also the overwhelming victory of the grandchild and it is good to pull,
▼(さんかく)「希望(きぼう)だけ膨(ふく)らますと期待外(きたいはず)れの時(とき)の揺(ゆ)り戻(もど)しが強(つよ)い」。万感(ばんかん)こもる宮崎県知事(みやざきけんちじ)の戒(いまし)めだ。有権者(ゆうけんしゃ)は、小選挙区(しょうせんきょく)という洗浄機(せんじょうき)の 使い勝手、破壊力(はかいりょく)を知(し)った。約束(やくそく)した「日本(にほん)の大掃除(おおそうじ)」の手(て)を緩(ゆる)めたら、自民(じみん)の二(に)の舞(ま)いだろう
“When just desire adds, when being disappointing, the quaver resetting is strong”. Flood of emotions it is the admonition of nomarch Miyazaki which is confined. The voter, knew the using conditions and destructive power of the washer, small constituency. When promised the hand of the “Japanese general cleaning” is loosened, the repetition of our people it is
Being able to luster the eye in power of time is satisfaction of the journalism. If it becomes, the writing brush 鋒 (the [hi] [tsu] [po] [u]) grinds and corrects we assume that it changes aim also the small column now with morning. As for being questioned to whether or not it became bright, future, it is not feeling of after the political change and is actuality.

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